

This section introduces you to the Web APIs specified in the HTML5 specification. These Web APIs allow you to use the
modern functions provided by the web browsers in your web applications.

Section 1. Client Storage

Cookies – learn about HTTP cookies and how to use JavaScript to manage cookies more effectively.

localStorage – introduce you to the Storage type and show you how to use the localStorage to store the client-side data.

sessionStorage – show you how to use the sessionStorage sessionStorage to store data for a session

IndexedStorage - learn about IndexedDB and how to use it to create web applications that work both online and

Section 2. Basic Types

FormData - construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields & values.

Section 3. Drag-and-Drop API

Drag and Drop API - enable web applications to use the drag-and-drop feature in the web browsers.

FileReader Api - introduce to you the FileReader API and show you how to combine it with the Drag&Drop API to build an image upload application.

Section 4. Geolocattion API

Geolocattion API – allow the web application to get your current locations if you allow

Section 5. Notification API

Notification API – learn how to display desktop notifications to users

Section 6. Canvas API

Basic Canvas – learn about the HTML5 canvas element and how to use the Canvas API to draw shapes.

Draw a filled rectangle – show you how to draw a filled rectangle by the fillRect() method.

Draw an outlined rectangle – learn how to draw an outlined rectangle by using the strokeRect() method.

Erase a rectangular area on a canvas – show you to to use the clearRect() to set pixels in a rectangular area to transparent black.

Draw lines – draw a line from one point to another.

Draw text – show you how to draw a text string on to a canvas.

Translate– learn how to move the origin of the canvas to the new position.

Rotate – add a rotation transformation to rotate a drawing object.

Scale – add a scaling transformation to the canvas units horizontally and/or vertically.

Section 7. History API

pushState – learn how to use the history.pushState() method.

Section 8. Network Request

Fetch API – learn how to make asynchronous requests to a remote resource from the web browsers.

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